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Produce a vis_dat plot for ipeds data split by year with optional sampling. [Maturing]

Note that parallel processing is built in if a future::plan() is set


visdat_grouped(.data, ..., method = "vis_dat", .sample_frac = "auto")



bare, unquoted column(s) to use as the index to group by. Alternatively will accept a grouped df.


Which visdat function to use. One of "vis_dat", "vis_miss", or "vis_value". Accepts shorthand "dat", "val", and "miss".


Percent of observations to sample from each year. Default "auto" samples down to 100,000 rows, split evenly between groups for vis_dat. For vis_miss and vis_value, "auto" uses all data.


visdat plot separated by grouping variable.


if (FALSE) {
diamonds %>% visdat_grouped(facet_group = cut)