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integral 1.0.0

  • Repo is now public and can be installed more easily!
  • copy_file_wlog() and save_csv_wlog() renamed to ic_copy_file_wlog() and ic_save_csv_wlog()
  • qa() renamed to ic_qa()
  • ic_scale_big_dollar() renamed to scale_big_dollar()
  • ic_scale_si_unit() renamed to scale_si_unit()
  • ic_visdat_grouped() renamed to ic_visdat_grouped()
  • packagedown website now set up here

integral 0.0.5

  • Several bug patches and first packagedown documentation

integral 0.0.4

  • Patch to fix save_csv_wlog() function and export to namespace
  • Added copy_file_wlog() function

Integral 0.0.3

  • added ic_new_proj(), ic_new_r_file(), ic_new_python_file(), ic_new_rmd_file(), ic_new_script() and ic_new_git() for project and file creation.
  • They are supported by ic_new_script() for creating none Rmarkdown files, convert_winpath() to convert Windows paths and a series of ask() functions.


  • Added experimental helper functions for searching Stack Overflow and Google

    • stackoverflow() and alias so() search Stack Overflow for the terms you pass. Automatically adds the “[r]” tag.

    • google() searches Google for the terms you pass. Automatically adds the required “R” tag and omits results from web sites that provide the same information as the help documentation in R.

    • so_last_error() and google_last_error() collect the traceback of the most recent error and searches for it using Stack Overflow and Google, respectively. Automatically adds the R tag and (for google) omits results from web sites that have duplicated the R manual.


  • Added quote_values() which converts a series of comma separated values into a vector input format. Copy of Hmisc::Cs() for convenience.
  • Added ic_visdat_grouped() which extends visdat to allow separate plots grouped by a variable in the data. This is very useful for annual data or other groupings that may explain missinginess.


  • Added ic_scale_si_unit() which converts numeric values to International System units
  • Added ic_scale_big_dollar() which converts numeric values to dollar units using suffixes, ie: 1000 becomes $1k.


  • Added %ni% (not in), the opposite of %in%
  • Added xview() which opens a table in Excel.
  • Added interactive helper common_vars(), which shows common variable names between two or more tibbles.
  • Added interactive helper wc() (write clip) which copies an object to the clipboard. If no object is passed, it defaults to .Last.value.
  • Added huck(), a negation of purrr::pluck() which discards an element from a list using tidyselect specifications.
  • Added deselect(), a negation of dplyr::select() (ie select(-c(...))) since wrapping tidyselect vars in c() annoys me.
  • Added fct_case_when(), an implementation of dplyr::case_when() where the output is an ordered factor in the order of the conditions.
  • Added zscore() as a convenience function wrapper around scale() that returns a vector instead of a matrix.


  • Added beta version of interactive helper cheat() which lists cheatsheets and opens the selected one.
  • Added interactive helper idf() (ID filter). This function makes it easy to filter on a key column in multiple tables from the same dataset. The key column is set in options (function will ask for it if it is not set already) so that it isn’t necessary to type it with each call, and the previous key value is is used until it is updated. See ?idf for details.
  • Added state_locations() which returns a tibble of the location of U.S. states on a map (top, middle, bottom) and can handle Albers. Useful for dynamically adjusting pop-up directions (above/below) on maps to prevent panning.


  • Added ic_update which checks for a new dev version of integral on github, and if found automatically unloads integral, downloads the new version and installs it, and reloads integral.
  • Added loading message that informs the user if there is a new version of integral
  • Added ic_news() which shows news updates for version bumps